Clockhouse Veterinary Hospital, Stroud 01453 752555
Clockhouse Vet Clinic, Nailsworth 01453 834930
Clockhouse Vets's home page
Clockhouse Veterinary Hospital, Stroud 01453 752555
Clockhouse Vet Clinic, Nailsworth 01453 834930

Repeat Prescriptions

How to order your pet's next dose

Repeat Prescriptions

How to order your pet's next dose

To ensure that your pet continues to be treated with the most appropriate medication at the correct dose, we are obliged to carry out re-examinations at regular intervals. The time period between these examinations will vary depending on the condition and the medication.

  • These checks will incur a consultation fee.
  • For conditions requiring long-term medication, these checks will usually be every 3-6 months.
  • All pets must have yearly check-ups for repeat prescriptions of flea and worm treatments.

Please allow 2 full working days' notice in order to ensure all prescriptions are available and ready for collection.

How to order

To order a prescription please contact your local surgery with your pet's name and medication or fill out our order form.

Written prescriptions are available at a cost of £34.00. If you wish to claim on your insurance for medication, please provide a completed claim form at the time of collection.

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